Climate Action - Overview
History of the Drawdown Initiative workshops
In 2017, Pachamama Alliance launched the Drawdown Initiative, a series of workshops that supported people in finding their unique contribution to reversing global warming. Based on the breakthrough work conducted by Paul Hawken and an international group of experts and scientists at Project Drawdown, the Drawdown Initiative shared the finding that solutions exist today that can actually reverse—not just slow, mitigate, or lessen—global warming.
More than 15,000 people took part in the Drawdown Initiative since that time, including hundreds in the Rochester area. Hundreds of people in 19 countries took it upon themselves to spread the word about this new possibility and break through the paralysis, overwhelm, and resignation so many feel around the issue of climate change.
Climate solutions training now exclusively online by Project Drawdown
At this time, the Pachamama Alliance is shifting its focus on climate action since Project Drawdown has created its own free online educational programs to introduce people to the science and possibilities of climate solutions.
We encourage you to review the new informative 6-unit introduction to climate solutions offered by Project Drawdown (Climate Solutions 101) and the many resources offered on the Drawdown website. This would include descriptions of the Project Drawdown solutions.
As of April 15 2021, Pachamama Alliance is discontinuing the Drawdown Initiative workshops. It is exploring its unique contribution to the climate movement, considering creation of a program to address climate change from a place of love for our wondrous living earth and of mobilizing people into action on climate justice solutions at the local level.
We will keep you informed about what unfolds from the Pachamama Alliance.
How to stay involved in local Climate Action
Meanwhile we encourage you to connect with some of the many programs in our area that are working on such local solutions. Find what interests you, connect with a community, and engage in action. It’s up to each of us to add our own vision, energy and gifts to this growing global movement to save our earth and its inhabitants. ​
Contact Pat Wartinger at with any questions or ideas about Climate Action efforts in Rochester.