Seeds of Hope ​​
Our Vision
Our vision is to participate in an evolutionary shift in human consciousness, which is inspired by an expanding awareness of our living, evolving interconnected universe, with its unique community of life on our home planet Earth.
We envision this consciousness increasingly becoming the overarching context for understanding, belonging, inspiration, and decision-making, and for creating the future.
Our Mission
To bring insights from science, ancient wisdom, astrology, spirituality, architecture, and the arts into an open community of potential evolutionaries and culture changers to explore, process, assimilate, and embody a variety of expressions of cosmic consciousness
To awaken to the Mystery, beauty, complexity, and sacredness of the Universe and all Life.
To foster a mutually enhancing relationship with our evolving Earth.
To locate ourselves within the ongoing evolutionary process of collapse and creative emergence
To embody our identities as integral, creative and evolving expressions of Gaia and the Universe, by thinking cosmically, loving globally, and acting locally.
Open our eyes, minds, and hearts to places where society’s paradigm of separation, domination and exploitation is creating pain, fear, anger, or suffering.​
We are especially inspired by The Pachamama Alliance, Deeptime Network, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Holomovement.
Gatherings are held on Zoom 1:30-3:30 pm on designated Sundays.
All gatherings are free and open to all. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link

​For more information:
To receive future notices of our monthly gatherings or for more information, contact Dave Inglis at
Recordings & Resources
See below for curated resources and recordings
from past discussions.
Resources from Past Gatherings
Recording and Resources for From Broken Hearts to Courageous Hearts: Reclaiming our Hearts in Disheartening Times (Dec. 8, 2024)
Recording and Resources for Facing the Future with Clarity, Courage and Creativity (May 26, 2024) -
Our much-appreciated May 26 Seeds of Hope gathering helped treat our "pre-traumatic stress disorder" by igniting our capacity for clarity, compassion, courage, creativity, and connection, no matter how bleak the present or how ominous the future may seem. We were fortunate to have such inspiring visionaries as Michael Dowd, Brian McLaren, Lynne Twist, and Marianne Williamson to help us release our dread, discouragement and depression and tap into the best in us, which can create a reality that our fear is unable to see. Here's the link to the Zoom recording (1 hr. 48 min.) and a list of related uplifting resources.
Please feel free to share this with anyone you know who may have pre-traumatic stress disorder.
Anyone who wants to be on our mailing list to receive future Seeds of Hope invitations can email Dave Inglis at
Recording & Resources for Collapse: Our Call to Evolve (March 24, 2024)
Recording & Resources for Consciously Living in a Conscious Universe (Feb 4, 2024)
​Recording & Resources for We Are the Universe (Dec 3, 2023)
Recording and Resources for Creating Beauty as a Radical Act of Reconnecting to Heart and Meaning
Resources for Indigenous Wisdom for These Times
Resources for The Great Unraveling: Finding Wholeness as Things Fall Apart
Resources from Revolutionary Perspectives for Ominous Times (March 6, 2022) -
This session helped us see our world as undergoing a major evolutionary transition. The old structures of separation, exploitation, competition, and domination, are breaking down, putting us in a time of increasing unraveling and uncertainty. Indigenous wisdom teacher Arkan Lushwala told us that, though we want to cling to the shore of this tumultuous river, the safest place is in the middle of the river, where we can trust the current to carry us where Life wants to take us. This session was especially rich and deep. You can see it and hear Arkan’s inspiring talk here.
Resources for Renewing our Relationship to our Fellow Creatures
Resources for Creating Fields of Peace in Minefields of Conflict

For more information about Seeds of Hope, contact Dave Inglis at